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Interface XmlProducer

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public interface XmlProducer

This interface provides methods for creating XML out of Objects

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          returns the version of the created Xml as a String
 void setVersion(java.lang.String version)
          sets the version of the created Xml
 java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object o)
          converts the given Object to an Xml String.
 java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object[] o)
          converts the given Objects to an Xml String.
 java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object[] o, boolean versionInfo)
          converts the given Objects to an Xml String.
 java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object o, boolean versionInfo)
          converts the given Object to an Xml String.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object o)
                             throws XmlProducingException
converts the given Object to an Xml String. The returned Xml contains a version header
o - Object to convert


public java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object o,
                                    boolean versionInfo)
                             throws XmlProducingException
converts the given Object to an Xml String. The returned Xml contains a version header if versionInfo is true
o - Object to convert
versionInfo - indicates whether the returned Xml should contain a version header or not


public java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object[] o)
                             throws XmlProducingException
converts the given Objects to an Xml String. The returned Xml contains a version header
o - Objects to convert


public java.lang.String toXmlString(java.lang.Object[] o,
                                    boolean versionInfo)
                             throws XmlProducingException
converts the given Objects to an Xml String. The returned Xml contains a version header if versionInfo is true
o - Objects to convert
versionInfo - indicates whether the returned Xml should contain a version header or not


public java.lang.String getVersion()
returns the version of the created Xml as a String


public void setVersion(java.lang.String version)
sets the version of the created Xml

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